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  • 代孕协议包含的内容

    在代孕过程中,获得法律批准是准父母和代母实际开始代孕医学过程之前的必要步骤。法律批准发生在所有各方签署代孕协议后。 代孕协议是代孕旅程中的重要部分,因为它记录了各方的意图并指导接下来一年左右代孕过程中的行动。这是一个涉及准父母、代母及其各自律师的合作过程。通常,准父母的律师最初起草合同,然后代母(及其配偶或伴侣,如适用)和她的律师会对合同进行审查,以确保代母的利益受到保护。之后,各方将继续进行谈判。在我们之前的文章中,我们讨论了Tsong Law Group执业的州(即加利福尼亚州、华盛顿州、伊利诺伊州、亚利桑那州和纽约州)代孕协议的法律要求。 为了帮助希望了解代孕协议内容的读者,在本文中,我们将概述以下基本主题:基本主题、财务和风险及责任。 基本框架 以下是每份代孕协议中应包含的一些典型条款: - 引言部分:包含各方的身份信息,包括准父母和代母。 - 目的和意图部分:在加利福尼亚州,该部分还应标明生殖细胞的来源,并声明谁将成为父母,谁将放弃其父母权利,以及所有人已向彼此提供了真实准确的信息。 - 医学程序描述:包括胚胎移植的详细说明以及选择执行过程的医生。 - 代母行为的禁令:可能包括禁止某些活动,如禁欲、活动限制、药物和酒精使用。 - 行为规范:要求代母遵循的规则,例如遵守医疗指示、旅行和活动限制。 讨论风险、责任、违约和协议终止的条款 虽然大多数代孕安排顺利进行,但每份代孕协议都需要考虑如何支付医疗费用;在出现分歧、违约时的处理方式;如何终止协议;以及责任豁免。这些是我们在代孕协议中常见的一些条款: - 终止妊娠的依据和程序:规定在何种情况下可以终止妊娠以及相关程序。 - 风险承担和一般免责:各方对风险的承担及一般免责条款。 - 准父母的医疗费用责任说明:解释准父母对医疗费用的责任以及对代母保险政策的审查结果(如有)。 - 代母的人寿保险及其法律后果:讨论为代母提供人寿保险的情况及其法律影响。 - 离婚、分居及准父母去世的处理:在这些情况下的处理方式。 - 协议的期限及各方如何以及何时可以终止协议:协议的有效期以及终止协议的方式和时机。 - 违约和/或争议解决条款:解决违约和争议的条款。 财务组成部分 最后但同样重要的是,除非代孕协议是出于无偿安排(即代母未获得补偿),否则必须包含一个关于财务的部分,重点应包括以下内容: - 补偿:虽然每个案件的付款方式有所不同,但通常包括以下几类补偿:     每月津贴:用于覆盖月度开支;     妊娠补偿:在代母怀孕期间通常按月支付的补偿;     药物开始费和胚胎移植费;     对于某些类型的侵入性手术、器官损失或剖腹产的费用。 - 旅行费用:如需旅行,哪些旅行费用将由谁支付。 - 工资损失:包括床休期间的工资损失长度及其他托儿和家务津贴。 - 托管或信托账户:讨论在代孕过程期间谁持有资金,代孕过程结束后托管或信托账户保持开放的时间,以及不同时间点的余额情况。 结论 Conclusion 代孕协议是代孕旅程中的一个关键步骤。尽管这可能不是最令人兴奋的部分,有些人可能会被诱惑去使用从他人那里或互联网上找到的合同,但在采取这种措施之前咨询法律顾问至关重要。大多数ART(辅助生殖技术)律师更愿意使用自己起草的合同,而不是处理客户在互联网上找到并未获得使用许可的合同。 Tsong Law Group 的律师已经起草和审查了数百份代孕协议,代表了准父母和代母。我们可以高效地代表您,并以易于理解的方式解释代孕协议。如需更多信息,请立即联系我们。

  • 选择律师:最重要的是什么?

    像寻找合适的机构一样,为你的代孕或卵子捐赠找到合适的律师可能会让人感到不知所措。有些人寻找律师的方式是找到价格最低的。我们不建议这种方法,因为选择律师需要研究和考虑价格以外的因素。对于代孕,一次成功的旅程通常需要一年或更长的时间。此外,确认准父母的亲子关系是最重要的部分之一。  同样重要的是了解为什么辅助生殖技术(ART)律师的收费会有所不同,以及律师之间的实际差异是什么。    I. 找到生育法律的专家  首先,并不是所有的律师都是该领域的专家。非专业律师可能会收取较低的费用,但这样的话事情可能会不按预想进行,而且你还可能会错失关键的专业知识。一位从事辅助生殖技术(ART)法律的律师应该参与多个组织,以跟踪ART法律领域的发展。我们Tsong Law Group也参与了许多这样的组织,例如美国律师协会ART委员会、美国生殖医学学会(ASRM)、SEEDS。Ralph Tsong也是收养和辅助生殖律师学院(AAAA)和加州收养和ART律师学院(ACAL)的ART成员。这些学院对入会有很高的标准。  Ralph Tsong作为AAAA成员,至少需要五年的执业经验,处理过50个ART或收养案件,并通过AAAA董事会的严格伦理审查。ACAL要求处理过100个ART案件,并获得全体会员的批准。Ralph Tsong还曾在许多这些组织的会议上发表过关于ART法律的演讲,包括美国律师协会、SEEDS和ACAL。    II. 找到有多年经验的律师  其次,我们需要看经验。经验来自多年的实践。Ralph Tsong已经从事律师工作25年,自1999年从芝加哥大学法学院(一所排名前3的法学院)毕业后,首次获得伊利诺伊州的执业资格。我们Tsong Law Group的业务遍及多个州,Ralph Tsong在加利福尼亚州、亚利桑那州和华盛顿州以及伊利诺伊州都获得了执业资格,他的副手在俄克拉荷马州和纽约州也有执业资格。  律师的收费较高是因为他们在该领域的多年经验。多个领域的多年经验也造就了多层次的业务。Ralph在劳动法方面的经验使他能够处理诸如带薪或无薪休假和工作保护等就业问题,审判经验意味着他在法庭上不会感到陌生。多年的经验还提供了与其他律师的联系,以应对其他法律需求。在许多司法管辖区处理过成千上万的案件的经验使Ralph能够领导Tsong律师事务所的团队。    III. 阅读评论和查看奖项  最后,查看在Google和Yelp等平台上的实际客户评论和反馈。评论可以提供先前客户对与某律师事务所合作的感受,这是研究过程中的重要部分,这样你就可以知道哪个选择是合适的。评论更多的律师事务所通常更有声誉和知名度。一个评论积极的律师事务所将使法律旅程易于理解且顺利。  Tsong律师事务所是生育法律领域评论最好的律师事务所之一,在各个平台上有超过75条五星级评论,而且数量还在不断增加。许多评论者特别告诉我们,他们会在下一次旅程中再次选择我们,而他们确实这样做了。我们从不缺乏积极的评论,因为客户满意度对我们来说非常重要。在客户的旅程中,我们重视与他们建立联系,在处理案件时提供可访问性、透明度和效率。  此外,还要查看律师的奖项和荣誉。Ralph在2023年和2024年被Thomson Reuter评选为超级律师,他的副手Rainie在同一时期被评为超级律师的明日之星。超级律师有一个选择过程,通过同行评估和12个专业成就指标来正式认可律师,只有5%的律师获得了这一荣誉。    结论:  选择代孕法律师是一个重要的决定,不应该只考虑成本。我们建议查看他们是不是该领域的认证专家,是否拥有合适的背景和经验,以及是否有客户的积极反馈和评论。请联系我们Tsong Law Group,进一步探讨这些考虑因素,并了解我们如何为你独特的旅程中成为你可信赖的向导。此外,准父母可以免费注册Seedcoach,获取他们的财务指导。

  • Book Review: The Bump by Sidney Karger

    Released on May 21, 2024, The Bump by Sidney Karger follows the adventures of Wyatt Wallace and Biz Petterelli about five weeks before the expected due date of their surrogate. The New Yorkers decide to take a cross-country babymoon with their dog for their surrogate’s delivery in California for one last adventure and address relationship issues before parenthood. Along the way, unexpected detours open old wounds and secrets, challenging them to rethink the meaning of family as they prepare for their baby’s arrival. This novel shows some of the funny, reflective, and challenging moments a couple may have on their road to becoming a parent through egg donation and surrogacy.    We interviewed our former client Sidney Karger about his book:  Exclusive Interview with Sidney Karger:   #1) Can you describe your journey to becoming a published author?   S: “I had always wanted to be a writer when I was a little kid... When I was 12, I sat down and wrote a book which was a terrible version of Choose Your Own Adventure books. I got encouragement from friends and family to keep writing and then I fell in love with movies. Out of college I started writing screenplays and once I realized people actually write movies. I'm like, ‘I'll be a screenwriter.’ I started writing screenplays and reading them for studios and production companies. Then around after that time, I got a job as a writer director at Comedy Central and was sort of writing and directing for their shows in-house creatively. I became a working screenwriter and left Comedy Central. Sort of that old saying of preparation and opportunity equals luck, I was introduced to my now book agent...I've been collecting ideas through the years and always thought I would write a book, way later in life when I turned 80 or something...I pitched him some ideas and that was my last book that came out last year called Best Men  and it's a romantic comedy and I sold that as a two book deal.”     #2) How much research was involved in writing your book on surrogacy and egg donation? And how much was it was prior knowledge?   S: “My partner and I just started talking about surrogacy years ago and then some friends of ours started having babies that way and through adoption. We learned through osmosis what they were doing and there was a time when we started taking it seriously. As everyone knows, surrogacy and adoption are so complicated and overwhelming. There are so many ways you can collect that information. The book deals with the emotional aspects of whether you're having a baby the traditional way, through surrogacy, IVF, or adoption. I was taking notes from friends and even our parents. You can detect the differences between couples, like the disciplinarian one and the one who is a little more laid back.”    #3) The book portrays Wyatt with a type A personality and loves planning while his partner Biz is more laid back and goes with the flow. Who do you think you identify more with?   S: It interesting, I think I'm probably a little of both. I like to plan and be spontaneous and a little more laid back, but I can be indecisive. The characters are drawn out of people that I know, people I've met, or people I've eavesdropped on in a restaurant. There's a lot of stuff that I draw upon that I've experienced but then put into a different type of scenario with different characters so I can tap into the same emotion I felt. The characters become sort of like heightened versions of parts of my personality and people I know. I don't necessarily gravitate towards one of the other, they're both kind of close to my heart.     #4) Wyatt and Biz are experiencing a bump in the relationship and doubts of becoming parents. If you could have a conversation with them. What advice would you give them?   S: “I would wait until their journey is over and I would say, there's a big lack of communication between the two of them. I would encourage them to talk things out a little more and hash things out. They can figure out why one of them is this way and the other one was that way. Within the book, one starts out super organized and kind of wants to have an itinerary and the other ones afraid of having a baby and wants to play it a little looser. I don't want to give a spoiler away, but it changes in the end. My advice would be to communicate more...with age comes a little more wisdom. I would say to them don't make everything so dramatic and you'll get through this.”    #5) Wyatt and Biz have two very different families. What type of family do you personally envision for your future?   S: “Hopefully a little of both, I love that idea. I came from a big family, but my siblings were older. When they moved out of the house, I was kind of alone with my parents. I got the best of both worlds, and I would love that for my future family. Just the idea of having a big family but then the quiet time you can share. Everyone does their own thing and then you kind of come back together. I love that sort of spectrum of loud and quiet. You rebel against what you grew up with and want the opposite sometimes, but then you realize you want to get back to your roots. I think having that balance is good.”    #6) Without too many spoilers, what scene was the hardest for you to write?   S: “Generally the hardest scenes to write were in the car because I really wanted to make sure that you are with these characters along their “journey.” I wanted the reader to experience being in the car with them, but that could be boring. Those were the hardest scenes and I tapped into road trips that I've taken, long drives, listening to music, coming up with games, calling people on the phone on speaker. Trying to keep the story moving while they're in the car was really a challenge because again, I just wanted you to feel like you're on this road trip with them.   Legal and Realistic Aspects:    As usual for our reviews, we look into whether the story is realistic from a legal and factual standpoint.  Karger shares the process of Wyatt and Biz  selecting an egg donor  and over a year later, anticipating the birth of their child. The story opens with them going through many profiles of egg donors and reading their descriptions. This is very accurate for families who search for donors through agencies that have online profiles and descriptions of available donors. They compile a board of possible donors by considering their family history, biography, and interests. Wyatt and Biz spent over eight months trying to select a donor. After agreeing on an egg donor, they contact the agency to confirm if the donor is available.   Although the story does not follow the process of Wyatt and Biz selecting their surrogate, we are introduced to Flora when she FaceTimes them during their trip to give medical updates. Surrogacy contracts  will often disclose that the surrogate must contact the intended parents and provide updates of doctors visits and allow their attendance in person. These tend to be minimums and intended parents can have more contact than what is in the contract.  Flora does a great job of keeping in contact with the couple and forms a close bond with them. She shares continues to follow up with more calls throughout the novel.   Wyatt and Biz witness the birth of their child in the hospital room beside Flora. The hospital staff are aware of the surrogacy matter once they arrive at the hospital. They are quickly let into the delivery room, most likely because the hospital was given a hospital letter and the court judgment prior to the birth (also known as a PBO ). Before the birth of the child, your attorney should inform the surrogate’s hospital of choice of the matter and provide all the necessary paperwork so the intended parents can safely leave the hospital with their child and have their names on the birth certificate.  There are no legal hiccups or concerns in the novel, which indicates the legal part was well-handled.  Spoiler alert:   We learn of a second journey for Wyatt and Biz using the same egg donor and surrogate. This is a possibility for intended parents who want to embark on a second journey after their first successful one. Many intended parents with good experiences opt to use the same egg donor and surrogate because they wish to have a sibling journey, and already have a close bond from the first journey and know what to expect. We can only wonder if Wyatt and Biz used the same lawyers for their second journey.     Conclusion:  In conclusion, The Bump  by Sidney Karger is a breezy summer read that on a seldom explored topic of fiction, the journey to parenthood through surrogacy and egg donation, and how a couple processes their transition. Karger’s narrative is humorous but also deep, and the reader really feels dropped into the perspective of being on the edge of unknown when starting a family through third party reproduction.  We know the feeling is universal for new intended parents. If you choose the right lawyer, at least you won't have to worry about the legal aspects of your journey. If you need a lawyer for surrogacy and egg donation, contact us now.

  • Here’s What You Need To Know About TLG’S Seedcoach

    Tsong Law Group knows that the journey to expanding your family through surrogacy and egg donation can be a stretch for the household budget of many people. That is why we are offering Seedcoach, a financial coaching package for free to our intended parents, or if they elect for their surrogates. There is no extra cost to use this benefit. In this article, we will discuss the main points of the program. What is Seedcoach The program was designed to help the intended parents and surrogates answer any questions they may have about the financial aspects of their journey. The question of finances is the elephant in the room for many pursuing surrogacy, so the team at Seedcoach combined with their online video library of resources and templates, will help intended parents identify the financial resources that can help on their journey. How does the program work If you sign up to be a client with Tsong Law Group and retain for us drafting of a contract, you are eligible for the services. The services for the Intended parents include: Online Video Library which offers invaluable guidance on budgeting, insurance, and funding your journey. It includes access to Including budgeting tools, customizable templates, a list of lenders and grants and more! Unlimited One-on-One Coaching with webinar support to help you navigate the financial complexities associated with your surrogacy journey. Assistance with Grants & Loans which will be assisted by your coach in sourcing opportunities to aid in closing any funding gaps by helping you write impactful grant applications and identifying the best borrowing opportunities. Fundraising & Special Events which will guide you on how to plan a successful fundraiser and coordinate special events for crowdfunding your journey. Lastly, Reduce Your Stress! Your Family Third party fertility journeys are complex and emotional. SeedCoach can minimize your stress by providing financial guidance along the way. Meanwhile, if you are a surrogate of intended parents with Tsong Law Group who opt to provide the benefit to their surrogate, the program will help you: Maximum Financial Benefit From Your Compensation which our experts will customize your financial program based on the compensation associated with the contract you entered into with your intended parent(s). Improve Your Financial Situation While Helping to Build a Family by the program’s free tools, budgeting templates and individual guidance on compensation, setting and achieving goals, household budgeting, reducing debt, as well as saving and investing. Achieve Your Financial Goals by helping you realize your financial goals that may be obtained from your earnings and the program will also advise you on the dangers they haveseen other surrogates fall into post-surrogacy. Lastly, you’ll Reduce Stress and Set Yourself on a Path to Financial Freedom! How to get started There are 3 easy steps to start your third-party journey with Tsong Law Group’s Seedcoach: Notify Tsong Law Group. Email or call Tsong Law Group and ask to enroll in the program. Our team will respond immediately and give instructions moving forward. Wait for a welcome email which includes your log in credentials/password. Your credentials will be used to login and access all the resources for your funding journey. Finally, complete the Intake form and schedule a one-on-one with a Coach. For more information, call us at 877-992-3678. This article is for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon without additional research or consulting an attorney. This article is not legal advice and does not create an attorney-client relationship with the reader.

  • Learn How Your Adoption Finance Coach Can Help You Achieve Your Adoption Goals

    At Tsong Law Group, we understand that families come in all shapes and sizes, and the journey to build a family can be as unique as the families themselves.  Families come in all shapes and sizes and ways of growing families can be equally unique. Non-traditional family building is a wonderful way to grow the joy and love in your family but it can come with additional stress, uncertainty, and expense. Many families turn to adoption to grow their families only to find out the financial hurdles are too great. Adoption costs can range from $30,000-$50,000 or more, depending on the type of adoption.   But the good news is that families aren’t alone in that struggle. Born through her personal experience in adoption and a drive to help other families, Kelly Ellison founded Your Adoption Finance Coach. This educational program comes alongside agencies, lawyers, and consultants to help support prospective parents in navigating the complex finances of adoption. Kelly, along with a team of coaches are passionate about helping all families solve the financial puzzle of adoption. Tsong Law Group has partnered with Your Adoption Finance Coach to provide this service for free to our hopeful adoptive parent clients, as well as offering its sister program, Seedcoach, to our intended parent clients. If you are interested in either program, just ask us.   Your Adoption Finance Coaching program works to solve the money problem for adoptive families.  The system offers resources ranging from on-demand videos and downloadable templates to one-on-one coaching calls to help prospective parents map out their budget and funding timeline - so they know not only how much they’ll need but when. This approach to budgeting helps families identify and plan for funding gaps for targeted and customized planning. The team at Your Adoption Finance Coach can help prospective parents find resources to help fill those gaps, from grants to loans to setting up a fundraising campaign. Coaches provide families with customized solutions based on their personal and family needs.   Listen to these testimonials about Your Adoption Finance Coach:  “The portal offered a great deal of helpful information. However, having a personal coach, a human being, I could talk to and bounce ideas off of helped me understand how the information from the portal applied to me and more importantly, put it to good use. My coach was readily available - I appreciated that I could both email her quick questions AND jump on the phone with her to talk through more complex inquiries; and I always had the portal there as a reference point with best practices, help and templates. The assistance I got from YAFC was invaluable. I fear there are prospective adoptive families out there who believe they make too much money or don’t need help – and so when offered the services of YAFC by their agency or attorney, they look the other way. I think this is a mistake. I would urge families to give YAFC the opportunity to ease the financial burden of your adoption journey; it will make both a short-term and long-term difference. Because of YAFC’s help, I was in a much better financial position when my teen and preteen sons came home than I would have been without utilizing their services. I am grateful.” Stephen, Santiago and Juan, Adoptive Family   “We found the adoption process thoroughly overwhelming (emotionally, logistically and financially) and quite honestly, weren't expecting much when we learned about Your Adoption Finance Coach (YAFC). We attended our first YAFC webinar and were pleasantly surprised. We then spoke with our coach to learn more about their services and how they could help us. Our experience with YAFC was incredible and they are absolutely the first name we mention when anyone tells us that they are planning to adopt. Our coach was informative and patient, guiding us expertly through each step of the gran application process; no matter how trivial the question. We cannot thank YAFC enough. Our adoption would have been very difficult without them.” Luke, Kim and Baby Lennox, Adoptive Family   “Having someone who knows the ins and outs of the application process, who has a relationship with many of the larger foundations, who could tell me which foundations made sense for us to apply to, and who could also help us make sure our application was both thorough and compelling – I don’t know how to quantify such a resource. In addition to helping us find funding to finalize our adoption, our YAFC coach no doubt saved me an unknown amount of time and energy so that I could concentrate what little time and energy I did have on bringing our daughter home and caring for her." YAFC Family, Adoptive Family     Conclusion  Your Adoption Finance Coach and Tsong Law Group stand ready to empower families on their adoption journey. Over the years, Your Adoption Finance Coach has assisted over 15,000 families in raising more than $15 million for their adoption journeys. Together, we firmly believe that financial constraints should not hinder anyone from embarking on the journey of adoption. At Tsong Law Group, we share this belief wholeheartedly. Our team of adoption lawyers is dedicated to ensuring that legal and financial barriers do not stand in the way of building your family through adoption.   If you're planning an adoption and need extra guidance with the financial and legal aspects, don't hesitate to reach out to contact us  or visit this site. There is no extra cost to use this benefit. For more information, you may visit this site.

  • 代孕合同中三大容易产生分歧的条款

    在代孕旅程中,代母和准父母之间合同的起草至关重要。根据我们的经验,在合同中有三部分条款准父母和代母之间更常出现分歧。在本博客中,我们将探讨这三项条款,并建议各方如何处理不同意见。  COVID-19疫苗接种状况  尽管我们希望COVID-19的最危险时期已经过去,但COVID-19可能仍在一些人的心中挥之不去,准父母和代母可能对疫苗接种或加强针的必要性有强烈的不同观点。理想情况下,各方在法律阶段之前讨论并已就代母是否接种疫苗达成一致。如果在法律阶段发现观点不同,最好记住各方在合同阶段不太可能改变自己的观点。开放沟通是关键。准父母和代母可以通过分享对COVID-19疫苗的个人立场来开始交流。  如果准父母强烈要求接种疫苗或加强针,而代母完全反对,这部分将成为敏感的谈判点,可能导致僵局。通过采取其他预防COVID-19的措施,可能达成妥协。如果代母过去接种过疫苗但反对接种加强针,准父母可以联系他们的医生,看看是否建议接种加强针。  旅行限制  旅行限制通常是代孕合同的一部分,目的是让代母了解怀孕期间不同阶段的旅行可能不安全,尤其是怀孕后期的旅行,以确保代母靠近分娩医院,防止早产,并减少在不承认代母亲权判决的州分娩的风险。当这些条款被代母修改时,准父母可能会强烈反应。然而,代母可能有合理的旅行理由需要考虑。  为解决旅行限制的争议,准父母应询问代母为何需要州外旅行或不同日期的旅行限制。这些理由可能与工作或家庭有关,能够缓解准父母的担忧,并允许更具体的例外规定。双方可以通过沟通建立合作和同理心的关系。怀孕期间前往外国的旅行限制不应修改,因为在外国承认亲权判决会更加复杂,医疗费用可能更高。  堕胎/终止妊娠  关于堕胎、胎儿减胎或终止妊娠的讨论是一个非常敏感的话题。各方对这一主题的看法需要事先讨论,并应提前告知准父母的律师双方的协议。虽然这些事件在大多数代孕旅程中很少发生,但事先达成一致至关重要。准父母和代母应以同理心对待这一话题,认识到在合同阶段对方的观点不太可能改变。如果律师未被告知各方的协议,而将错误的条款发送给代母的律师,各方可能会陷入更加紧张的局面。  在美国最高法院允许各州限制堕胎访问后,各方需要注意如果这一条款与州法律不一致的法律后果。即使各方在终止条款上达成一致,合同也必须与代母所在州的法律一致。如果代母是“不终止”代母,各方应讨论在代母或发育中的孩子健康受到威胁时终止条款的规定。全面的方法不仅承认各方对堕胎的看法,还承认潜在的法律后果。各方应在事前承认并尊重对方的观点。  结论:  代孕合同是成功和谐旅程的基础。每份代孕合同都必须由律师审查,他们应指出潜在的分歧领域,如COVID-19疫苗接种状况、旅行限制和堕胎/终止妊娠。你的代孕律师应推动合同谈判,强调同理心和理解。这为可能的妥协铺平了道路,缓解了关键点的分歧。  如果您需要起草或审查您的代孕协议,Tsong Law Group随时准备为您提供帮助。我们在复杂谈判和解决棘手合同问题方面有丰富经验。今天就联系我们。

  • 数字时代的代孕:法律问题与社交媒体

    代孕的数字革命:   数字时代已经改变了准父母、代母和代孕机构之间的连接方式。社交媒体平台提供了一个公开讨论、分享经验,甚至将准父母与潜在代母匹配的空间。然而,随着这种便利性而来的是一系列不容忽视的法律考虑。  隐私和保密:   在代孕安排中,保持隐私和保密性至关重要。社交媒体的公开性质可能会暴露敏感信息,危及所有相关方的隐私。各方应在代孕协议中明确规定保护准父母和代母身份和个人信息的限制。在协议建立之前,各方应意识到未来会建立此类限制,并在匹配时对另一方的身份和其他特征保密。代母可能与机构有协议,允许其图像或名字用于社交媒体,但各方应让机构知道任何保密身份的协议。各方应监控彼此的社交媒体,以确保不会违反保密条款,并且应删除任何无意泄露的信息(例如手腕带上的名字或超声照片)。  社交媒体群组也是许多用户表达不满或寻求纠纷认同的地方。如果各方有争议,强烈建议不要在社交媒体上公开讨论,因为群组中的任何人可能看到或传播这些信息。一旦协议中的一方发现另一方发表了负面帖子,各方就很难弥合分歧。各方应将纠纷处理留给机构、律师或代孕协议中规定的程序。  社交媒体群组也是代母了解其他代母报酬的地方。我们不反对分享报酬信息(如果合同不禁止),但建议代母注意其在线发布的内容,并意识到报酬方案各不相同,但一旦匹配达成,机构和准父母不希望报酬发生变化。  在线匹配的法律影响:  虽然社交媒体群组在促进准父母和代母之间潜在匹配方面非常有用,但各方必须保护自己,避免过度投资于可能不可行的匹配。使用社交媒体的优点和潜在风险同样适用于精子、卵子和胚胎捐赠的潜在接受者和捐赠者匹配。一些不适合代孕的候选人问题包括已婚代母的配偶不同意、代母居住在外国或代孕不友好州、没有活产经验的代母,以及依赖公共福利的代母。在独立匹配的早期阶段咨询经验丰富的辅助生殖技术(ART)律师是确保代母所在州的所有法律要求得到满足并保护所有各方权益的重要步骤。  诈骗和冒充风险:  互联网和社交媒体是许多诈骗的温床,代孕领域也不例外。诈骗者已经意识到准父母急于寻找代母且可以从中获利,他们可能冒充代母候选人以诈骗钱财或情感操纵另一方。准父母必须保持谨慎,包括进行背景调查(律师可以执行)以核实潜在代母或其配偶的身份和任何犯罪记录。即便如此,仍需要医疗记录和心理筛查。没有经验的准父母可能受益于与代孕顾问或机构合作,协助他们获得代母的医疗批准,同时与律师合作进行法律起草。独立代孕之旅并不适合所有人,选择这条路线的人应意识到与法院的法律备案过程需要仔细关注。我们在这里讨论一些优点和缺点。  结论:  随着代孕继续适应数字时代,了解围绕在线互动的法律问题至关重要。使用社交媒体的优点和潜在风险同样适用于精子、卵子和胚胎捐赠的潜在接受者和捐赠者匹配。  如果您需要起草或审查您的代孕或配子捐赠协议,Tsong Law Group随时准备为您提供帮助。我们在复杂谈判和解决棘手的合同问题方面有丰富经验。今天就联系我们。

  • 什么是产前令?

    产前令,通常称为 "PBO",是一份提交到法院的法律请愿书,要求法院裁定准父母是由代母所怀宝宝的法律父母。这在婴儿出生前进行。另一方面,产后令是一种类似的法院程序,有时在婴儿出生前启动,但这是在婴儿出生后法院授予法律亲权判决的过程。  当你的律师或机构说“我们正在准备产前令”时,他们的意思是他们正在准备向法院提交的必要法律亲权诉状。“产前令”一词可以指实际的法院决定,但通常指的是设置这一决定的文件。  当法院签署产前令时,它会被送到医院,并附上一封律师的信,声明准父母应被承认为代孕案件中的法定父母。判决还指出,代母及其配偶将不会被列在出生证明上,也没有任何法律上的监护权。有了这个命令,准父母可以完成出生记录表或出生证明,正式将他们列为孩子唯一出生证明上的父母。  相比之下,产后令是在孩子出生后颁发的。在某些州,这意味着出生证明可能会将代母列为母亲。产后令将要求州卫生部门封存原始出生证明并颁发新的,正式承认准父母为孩子的法定父母。  是否申请产前令或产后令取决于代母所在州的法律和法院。在华盛顿州、加利福尼亚州和俄克拉荷马州等一些州,法院会签发产前令。在这些州,法院在孩子出生前就宣布准父母为法定父母。另一方面,德克萨斯州和佛罗里达州等州是产后令州,法律判决要在孩子出生后才会颁发。了解代母所在州的亲子过程对于你的律师来说至关重要。  其他一些州,如纽约和伊利诺伊州,具有允许在不通过法院程序的情况下签发代孕出生证明的行政程序。然而,如果准父母需要法院判决来确认他们的父母身份,他们可以在伊利诺伊州追求产后判决或在纽约追求产前令。  使用产前令或产后令有何不利之处?  在大多数情况下,选择产前令或产后令的州并没有实际的不利之处。结果是相同的:出生证明上显示的是准父母为法定父母,而不是代母。这在两种类型的州都是一致的结果。  对于一些国际准父母来说,可能对产前令或产后令有不同的要求或需求。对于一些准父母来说,拥有产前令可能有助于获得签证;在新冠疫情期间,这对于某些无法获得美国签证的旅行者来说尤其有帮助。在法国,需要产后令来承认亲子关系,所以在产前令州需要申请第二个命令。  Tsong Law Group的律师在准备产前令和产后令方面经验丰富。联系我们在加利福尼亚州、纽约州、伊利诺伊州、华盛顿州、亚利桑那州和俄克拉荷马州有执照的经验丰富的律师,满足您的代孕法律需求。立即联系我们。

  • 选择代孕律师:最重要的是什么?

    就像寻找合适的代理机构一样,为您的代孕或卵子或配子捐赠合同找到合适的律师可能会让人感到不知所措。有些人寻找律师的方法是找到收费最低的律师。我们不鼓励这种方法,因为选择律师需要研究和考虑价格之外的其他因素。对于代孕来说,成功的旅程通常会持续一年或更长时间。此外,为准父母确认亲子关系是最重要的事情之一。  了解为什么辅助生殖技术(ART)律师的收费不同以及律师之间的实际差异也很重要。  一、寻找生育法专家  首先,并非所有律师都是该领域的专家。非专家可能会收取较低的服务费用,但您会失去在事情不如预期时可能需要的专业知识。专门从事辅助生殖技术(ART)法律的律师应参加许多组织,以跟踪ART法律领域的发展。Tsong法律事务所参与了许多这样的组织,如美国律师协会ART委员会、ASRM、SEEDS。Ralph Tsong还是收养和辅助生殖技术律师学会(AAAA)和加利福尼亚收养和ART律师学会(ACAL)的ART会员。这些学会对会员的要求很高。作为AAAA会员,Ralph至少需要5年的执业经验、50个ART或收养案例,并通过AAAA理事会的严格道德审查。ACAL要求100个ART案例和一般会员的批准。Ralph Tsong还在许多这些组织中,包括美国律师协会、SEEDS、ACAL,就ART法律主题发表过演讲。  二、寻找有多年经验的律师  其次,要看经验。经验来自多年的执业。Ralph Tsong从事律师工作已有25年,自1999年从芝加哥大学法学院(顶级法学院之一)毕业后,在伊利诺伊州首次获得执业许可。我们在多个州都有执业,Ralph Tsong除了在伊利诺伊州,还在加利福尼亚州、亚利桑那州和华盛顿州拥有执照,他的助理在俄克拉荷马州和纽约州拥有执照。  律师的收费因其在该领域的多年经验而更高。在多个领域的多年经验也造就了多层次的执业。Ralph在劳动法方面的经验使他能够解决带薪或无薪休假和工作保护等劳动问题,而他的审判经验意味着他在法庭上不会感到不适。多年的经验还提供了与其他律师的联系,如果出现其他法律需求时可以联系。在多个司法管辖区处理了数千个案件的经验使Ralph能够领导Tsong法律事务所的团队。  三、阅读评论并查看奖项  最后,查看客户的实际评论和反馈,如Google和Yelp等平台上的评论。评论可以提供关于前客户对与事务所合作的感受的见解。这在研究过程中很重要,您可以知道选择是否合适。评论较多的事务所通常更有信誉和知名度。评论积极的事务所将使法律旅程易于理解并且顺利进行。  Tsong法律事务所是生育法方面评论最好的律所之一,在各个平台上有超过75个五星好评,并且数量不断增加。许多评论者明确表示他们会在下一次旅程中再次选择我们,并且确实如此。我们从不缺乏积极的评论,因为客户满意度对我们来说非常重要。我们重视在客户的旅程中与他们建立联系,提供可及性、透明度和效率。  还要检查律师的奖项和荣誉。Ralph在2023年和2024年被Thomson Reuter评选为超级律师,他的助理Rainie在同一时期被评为超级律师新星。超级律师有一个选择性过程,通过同行评估和12个专业成就指标来正式认可律师,只有5%的律师获得过这一荣誉。  结论:  选择您的代孕律师是一个重要的决定,不应主要基于成本。我们建议您查看他们是否是该领域的认证专家,是否具备适当的背景和经验,并且是否有来自客户的积极反馈和评论。立即联系Tsong法律事务所,进一步探讨这些考虑因素,发现我们如何成为您独特旅程中的可信赖向导。此外,准父母可以免费注册Seedcoach,获得在余下代孕旅程中的财务指导。

  • 如何在加利福尼亚州获得产前令(PBO)?

    在加利福尼亚完成代孕之旅需要在孩子出生前获得亲权判决文件。亲权判决文件,也称为亲子关系判决,是由法院下达的判决,该判决确定准父母为未出生孩子的唯一父母,而非代母及其伴侣(如有)。查看我们之前的博客 "什么是亲权判决文件",了解什么是亲权判决文件。  1. 何时应开始准备亲权判决文件?   亲权判决文件需要时间准备、双方签字、接受归档,然后由法官审查并签字。通常情况下,加州 PBO 程序从开始到结束需要 8 周时间。考虑到所需时间,大多数准父母都希望在怀孕 20 周或更早的时候开始办理 PBO,因为婴儿有可能早产。   2. 申请 PBO 需要哪些条件?  在加州申请 PBO 的过程中,首先由您的律师收集所有必要的信息以完成诉状和表格。   这些信息包括    A. 与代母有关的信息   包括姓名、伴侣/配偶姓名、地址及其律师信息。  B. 准父母的信息   在加利福尼亚州的某些县,需要对准父母进行背景调查。国际准父母需要提供他们的护照和国民身份证以进行国际背景调查,而国内准父母可以在线完成背景调查。还需要提供其他信息,如全名和婚姻状况。  C. 怀孕信息   加州法律要求代孕合同中列出用于制造胚胎的卵子和精子的来源,并将此信息提供给法院。 律师还需要胚胎移植日期、预产期、移植了多少个胚胎、代母怀有多少个胎儿以及谁进行了胚胎移植等信息。  我们知道所提供的信息可能比较敏感。不用担心,根据加利福尼亚州法律,法庭诉讼程序是保密的,只有案件当事人才能查阅案件或法庭文件。  3. 准备诉状   收集完这些信息后,准父母的律师将根据这些信息准备诉状和表格。法院根据诉状和表格做出判决,认定代母所怀未出生婴儿与准父母有亲子关系。试管婴儿医生将签署一份声明,说明他们进行了胚胎移植,并确定所怀的孩子来自准父母的胚胎。准父母、代母及其丈夫和律师将签署声明,表明合同符合加州法律,孩子是准父母的孩子。此外,律师将准备几份表格和诉状声明双方无争议,并允许法院在不举行听证会的情况下对亲子关系做出裁决。  4. 提起诉讼   准备好所有表格和诉状并经各方签字后,案件就可以提交了。在加利福尼亚州的一些县,所有文件都是一次性提交的。准父母需支付文件的提交费。在少数几个县,准父母的文件先被提交,一旦文件确认被接受,再签署代孕人的文件。  下一步是等待法院审查。有些法院会安排听证会,通常不要求当事人出庭,然后在听证会上签署判决书。其他法院通常会按照案件提交的顺序审查判决书。这通常需要一个月的时间,但有些县会比其他县快或慢一些。  5. 如果孩子早产怎么办?   法院批准预产令通常需要一个月的时间,有时婴儿会比预期早出生。不用担心,有能力的律师会处理好这个问题。律师通常会申请一份紧急听证,称为单方听证,要求法院通常在下一个开庭日审查文件。   结论   法院签发的预产令对于确定准父母和代母所怀孩子的亲子关系是必要的。作为加利福尼亚州的执业律师,我们在获得亲权判决方面经验丰富,值得信赖。

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